"Fort of Vengeance "

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Fort of Vengeance
Tuesday, August 28, 2012 August 28, 2012

--- Comments

By Koalabaerchen

What is this madness? Two updates in a month?

(and I don't get it)

By Tak

God saw Romney make plans to go to Florida, so He arranged Isaac.
@Koala: updates are not like periods. You can have two in a month, and you're not in danger of being pregnant if there are none for a while.

By Koalabaerchen

Yeah, but it's like a Jackpot in the lottery. You know it exists, you see it everywhere happening but then it happens to you and you just can't believe it.

btw: I actually the the whole politics thing in the US really funny. It's like a really good comedy show with intelligent humor. In it's fourth season. And takes place in newspapers on the frontpage.

By Koalabaerchen

(verbs are for pussies)

By kris_stoker

Why the hate for Fort Smith? I miss something?

By Tak

I got a tiny bit of family living in Tampa Bay, Florida. I don't know what's worse: Romney visiting them or Isaac. Either way it's bad.

By Tak

Hold on: family is something else in English than in Dutch. I meant relatives.

By teh Tim!

I live in America and I think all the hurricanes are hilarious, where I live can't be hit with a lot. If New Orleans gets sunk again the government is going to relocate everyone and leave it in the water. You can get away with damn near anything in America...which turned out to curse to the general IQ of the nation. In a global perspective though we have a blast and we know other nations do not really like what we as a nation do but as long as we're having fun we will not worry about it until later.

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