"Same same but different"

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Same same but different
Monday, September 13, 2010 September 13, 2010

--- Comments

By sn4re

I keep mine always at hand...

By Kazper

Haha loving this... If looks could kill it'd be too late to be backing away already :p

By Stephn

for once marcus appears to be the logical one =p

By Ephraim

@Stephn that scares the crap out of me

By Ory'hara

First Madsen getting a PC. Now Marcus the logical one? The world really will end, won't it?

By Worst

Hey! I can't help it if I love Dawn of War and Starcraft too damn much. If getting a PC means I get to play those games and a bunch of Steam games at high resolution, then so be it.

By velt

yeah... because macs are soooo great.... (pieces of overpriced shit)

By Tak

Is that an applecorer I see in Christian's hand? No, wait... Er... That's MacBeth.

By Koalabaerchen

Do PC user also glitter in the sun?

By lost_scotsman

PC users have no reflection and you'll never see one in daylight hours. Also PCs don't put electricity back into the mains when you plug them in like Apples do. They also don't do your dishes for you or take out the garbage. Or improve your sex life

By lost_scotsman

Actually that last one may not be as facetious as I intended

By Shaows

@Tak Looks more like a crackpipe or kazoo to me. I know it doesn't make any sense but that's what I see.

By Receita

@Koalabaerchen Of course we do!

By Hugomanen

PC users sleeps in coffins during the hours it takes for their systems to boot.

By michael1m

Bring back zhe poking stick!

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