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Monday, September 07, 2009 September 07, 2009

--- Comments

By Inestical

That's awesome.


By blurredexistence

Awesome? I think this will be a classic that shale stand up thru the annals of time as a fucking laugh riot!

By Saladorm

I thought bird was the word....

By Fara

Uaaaaah. I don't get it.

By wickr

I must be super dense, because I *really* don't get it. Someone take my hand and walk me through it. Or at least point me at the crib notes.

By Integritus


By Rogerjak

The word is miscarriage.

He heard she was pregnant and wanted to get the fuck out of there, but he MISSED THE CARRIAGE. She had an abortion because he felt her and while doing that he MISSED THE CARRIAGE.


By Keiotic

Ba dum tsh!

By cluster-

A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird

By Tobias

Did you really get it? I have a totally different interpretation, and the word is in the picture.

By Tak

It should've been Fucked, since they both have been (...). I wonder what's she called... Ms. Carry Itch? Maybe she's got herpes as well. : x

By geohount

My first thought was the word "fuck"!
The first mentioning of the word happened when some random guy wanted to send the birth giver of his future offspring; what he called "the fuck"; to someplace as far away of his home as possible...
...made sense to me...
than I read the rant...

By jesus

Holy Shit, this gotta be the most ingenious word play EVAR!

By Arenlor

Punch in the stomach = miss carriage.

By Sugarpie

"So what do you tell the doctor?"
-"I fell down some stairs."
"That's right, honey."

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