"18, 19, 20.. aha!"

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18, 19, 20.. aha!
Friday, April 03, 2009 April 03, 2009

--- Comments

By MaxiM Sachs

Pubic hair count ?

By Frasse

Certainly not inces anyway

By Ory'hara

Think he is counting in millimetres?

By Fishia

@Maxim Sachs
if he was counting by pubic hair he could count way more than 21...
21 = 10 fingers, 10 toes, 1 thing women do not have so women can count only to 20...
Yup, men win again...

By pffff

But then, women can count 2 of something that men have, but not nearly as large(If they ain't realy fat:) )

By Profetengus

hence fat men can count to 23 and women only to 22

By Dick

Ah, but women can count to -1.

By T-Fin

No, only 22. The fat that makes the extra 2 countable is accompanied by enough to hide the 1.

By Ory'hara

What about the really fat people? They can count the rolls of fat in between the two top things and the bottom thing.

By toby1

Nipples would enable him to get to 23 but LG's do not has nipples!

By capitan obvio

I'd say that every man can count to 23, there are three things that women don't have that can be used to count.

By Odzs

Err, wow. You guys are serious about your counting.

By teh h1tm@n

don't be silly it's his belly-button it's an outie so that's what he's counting.

By Ory'hara

So that means that some mean can count to 24... Interesting...

By Patrick

lol penis joke.

By DeS3InY

I can count to 2097152 (2097151 if you count the zero) ^^

By blurredexistence

Surely he could have used his nose! Why wouldn't he use his nose?! Oh my brain!!!

By Ory'hara

I can count to 983,724. But only by using the amount of brain cells that I have killed.

By Spider

I say he measured his size in ångström...

By lost_scotsman

Who would have thought we would be such an educated bunch, and that so much comedy could be derived from counting. Maths + penis reference = funny

By Tyson

This is somewhat........ disturbing

By Tak

I hate to break this futile statistic: this is the 22nd comment. Well... I just had to... Like a field full of virgin snow and you just have to run through it. Mads, you still counting?

By bfo

he got confused on 22. :S

By Fishia

Anyway, the title of this comic ( "18, 19, 20.. aha!" ) if just....epic...makes me laugh pretty much everytime i read it...

By Tak

Nice 21st comment: 'This is somewhat disturbing'. : P
"18, 19. 20...., this is somewhat disturbing..., er..."

By Tyson

I didn't even know that my comment was the 21:st XD

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