"Pre-Parental advice"

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Pre-Parental advice
Monday, April 20, 2009 April 20, 2009

--- Comments

By Spider

Shouldn't it be "Yeah, and so DO assholes, they...."?

Nice message though :D

By St.Jimmy

Hmmm, there are still people maoning about the grammar... or am I just reading this comic too long now, that I've seen messages about that subject pass many many times?

Nice comic though! :)

By shinmai

@St.Jimmy: I don't think it's meant in malice, and most of the people sending in corrections are genuinely trying to help

By Spider

@shinmai: Nah... this is purely out of malice.

By X-Hunter

Can I claim 50/50 malice to genuine help ratio?

By Belua

@X-Hunter: If it were a ration, that would be 1:1, not 50/50.

By Belua

My spelling betrayed me at the worst time.


By T-Fin

That's what spell checkers are for: to make sure your mistakes are still words.

By That guy

I've found that the grammar in this comic makes a lot more sense if you read it with a ridiculous, made-up accent.

By Ory'hara

Everything works in ridiculous, made-up accents... Well almost everything.

By jeff

grammar nazis are gay. why dont you step outside for once, dont forget your sunscreen, and go play in traffic.

or better yet, instead of taking the time to correct someones grammar, take that time to finish downloading your gay midget porn.

By Dandroid

@Belua: ration? Ratio more like.

By Spider

@jeff: The irony here is that I'm actually German.

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